Thanksgiving weekend is traditionally the busiest shopping period of the year, packed with various annual American traditions, including Small Business Saturday. Started in 2010, the SBS Holiday bill was passed in all 50 states in 2011 and has become a popular day to celebrate and support entrepreneurs.

Small Business Saturday drives customers to buy locally. It is great for employment, economic growth, and the community. According to statistics by the National Retail Federation, 51 million shoppers participated in Small Business Saturday last year. The US boasts 33.2 million small businesses that have generated 12.9 million net new jobs over the past 25 years. Supporting small and local businesses is crucial for the American economy, especially in times of high inflation, worker shortages, and supply chain disruptions.

And even though small businesses see an increase in sales over this shopping weekend, one should support local businesses the entire holiday season and year-round. So, how can you thrive this Small Business Saturday and for the rest of the Holiday season as a small business owner?

Support Small Businesses

Shopping and supporting small businesses for your business supplies, tools, inventory, services, and more saves money and contributes to the local economy. By shopping locally and paying sales tax, you support public schools, parks, roads, and sidewalks and fund public service workers like firefighters. Small businesses supporting small businesses is the way forward.

Ensure Your Small Business is Accessible For All

The pandemic forced many businesses to build an online presence. With the growth of the digital economy, more businesses have to move online. Whether it’s a website or social media, you need to meet your customers where they are. As a traditional brick-and-mortar store not using social media or search, you are missing out on the opportunity to access new and more clientele that could potentially quadruple sales. So, how do you showcase your business online?

  • Showcase merchandise that would make a great gift.
  • Offer exclusive deals at different times of the day.
  • Partner with nearby businesses.


Support Your Customers

Providing good customer service is crucial if you want to make a lasting impression and see new and returning customers walk through your door. Train your staff on how to deal with various scenarios. Remember, the customer is always right, even when they are wrong! And if you are answering customers online, do so promptly. Customers usually check your online reviews before they decide whether to shop with you or your competitor. By customers feeling heard and supported, they are more likely to return, even after a bad experience.

Get Small Business Financing

Keeping up with demand can be challenging, but securing small business financing is less complicated and can help you get through Small Business Saturday and the holiday season. What’s more, securing small business financing with an alternative lender like ByzFunder means you can receive funding within less than 24 hours of applying. There’s no need to be left behind. Let’s grow your business and help you.

We know you will be ready to take on Small Business Saturday and the holiday season with our tips. Don’t forget to tell your regular customers about Small Business Saturday. Put a sign in your shop and flyers in bags reminding folks to come by.

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